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Building Houses
In 2005, Hurricane Stan swept through the lush forests of Guatemala, leaving huge landslides. More than 1,600 people were reported killed and hundreds more were never found. The final death toll was never determined because of the extensive damage throughout the region .
Only five years later, in 2010, Guatemala was hit again. Hurricane Agatha left over 80 people dead and hundreds displaced. Both storms left behind flooded rivers, landslides and destroy many homes. Thousands of families were forced to rebuild using what they could find: plastic, cardboard, scrap wood and tin. Most of these houses are no larger than the size of an American bathroom and have an average of eight people living in them.
Realizing the tremendous need, Extreme Rescue in partnership with Hope of Life Intl began an initiative to transform communities and rebuild homes that were lost. In recent years, we have built more than 3,500 homes for families throughout communities near our base.
A house for a small family costs only $ 10,000, a small price to pay for the hope it offers a family. Help us in this cause with a donation.
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